7 Apps You Need To Have On Your Device If You Are Planning To Study Overseas People moving abroad for their further education is not a big deal nowadays, but do you know what is? Managing to live there and getting used to the international living standards, all the while looking after your budget! We, at Focus Education, have made a little attempt...
22 Nov
Gap Acceptable In Canada
Is Study Gap Acceptable in Canada? Undergraduate students should take a 2-year break from their studies, and postgraduate students should take a 5-year break. However, you should confirm with the college or university where you intend to attend. Some Canadian universities demand that students have in-depth knowledge of a particular subject. In such...
18 Nov
Canada Allows International Students To Work For Limitless Hours
Instead of being restricted to 20 hours per week, post-secondary international students can work as much as they want from 15 November. The interim measures are valid until December 31, 2023. Applicants who have already applied for a study permit will be included in the new measures if approved. With an economy growing faster than employers are hir...
13 Nov
Higher Education in Canada
Higher Education in Canada Canada is one of the widely picked destinations among all international students and has much to boast of. International students from every country flock to Canada's reputed colleges and universities to pursue courses in every discipline. Canada is becoming the largest student hub as students from all around the world se...
09 Nov
Higher Education in Australia
Australia is a well-liked study abroad location for students from throughout the world for a variety of reasons. Top institutions can be found in Australia, where students can live an interesting and economical lifestyle. Other advantages of Australia include the sea, sunshine, and scenic beauty. The desire of thousands of international students to...